Ноя 10.2022

The annual international festival of documentary films on human rights "Bir Duino" will be held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, from 14 to 18 November. According to the organizing committee's decision, the XVI film festival "Bir Duino-2022" will be dedicated to the theme: "Climate and Crises: the Situation with Fundamental Rights of Citizens, Alternatives to SDGs."

The competition program includes 22 documentaries from Ukraine, Czech Republic, France, Slovakia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. The films raise the most important and always sensitive topics of concern to modern humanity, which are considered by the authors through the prism of climate change and the impact of crises: from large-scale wars to the fight against coronavirus, from gender inequality and discrimination to access to a clean environment and health, as well as fundamental human right to decent working and living conditions.

The Coordinator of the Film Festival "Bir Duino" Lira Asylbek stated: "The key topic is human rights in times of crises and disasters, because during such a period of trials it is important to find alternative strategies to promote Sustainable Development Goals. This is possible only if human rights and freedoms are respected and citizens participate equally in the decision-making process at all levels of government."

 “Every protagonist wants to be heard, every one of them calls for the development of civilization to proceed without any damage and aggression. The leitmotif of each film is the idea that humanity should preserve a favorable environment for the life of all living things through wise and universal laws, and resource management should become fair and understandable," concludes Vikram Ruzakhunov, member of the Board of Directors of Bir Duino. Link for trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aBd1PWW7t8

The format of the festival "Bir Duino - 2022" is an exchange of best practices in overcoming various crises. International partners of the festival and experts like Elīna Šteinerte, elected member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (2023-2026), former Chairperson-Rapporteur, member of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (2016-2022). Uransuzh Gambasuren, human rights defender from Mongolia, will share her experience on the new Law on Protection of the Rights of Human Rights Defenders of Mongolia. Pedro Garcia Arenas, civic leader, fighter for protection of ecology and human rights, head of Viso Mutop organization, will talk about the experience of developing dialogue platforms for various social, political and ethnic groups in Colombia. Andreas Roksen, Swedish journalist, director and producer, Ksenia Shimanskaya, coordinator of the Human rights Department of the international festival "Docudays UA" (Ukraine) will share their knowledge on promotion of human rights through art and new innovative strategies...




Master classes and laboratories will be held in thematic blocks for discussion of issues of climate security, civil and political rights, social, economic and cultural rights, the role of local citizens in decision-making processes at all levels of government, the activities of human rights defenders during crises and disasters, the fight against impunity; children's rights, gender equality and non-discrimination.

A master class will be conducted for documentary filmmakers by Ulrich Gaulke, film director from Germany representing modern German cinema. As part of the special program, Ulrich Gaulke will present his documentary "COMRADES IN DREAMS" and the audience will have a unique opportunity to ask questions and discuss the film with the director.

We will also present the film "A Thousand Cuts", about the work of an independent Philippine news site Rappler and its brave founder, journalist Maria Ressa, who was awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize "for her efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a prerequisite for democracy and lasting peace."

The film screenings will be held at the Broadway Cinema Theater in Asia Mall according to the special program.

The Documentary Film Festival "Bir Duino" is held jointly with the FIDH solidarity networks (International Federation for Human Rights), Civil Rights Defenders, Front Line Defenders, CSP (the Civic Solidarity Platform), Forum-Asia, WLP (Women's Learning Partnership), BICE (International Catholic Child Bureau), the Central Asia Labour Rights Monitoring Mission, as well as with the support of partners from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, local activists and activists from the regions of the KR and a wonderful team of the festival volunteers.

Solidarity, Dialogues and Pluralism platforms using the innovative format "Human Rights Through Art" will unite everyone at the festival, create new strategies for positive change through Art and Human Rights for the next 3 years.


Should you have any questions, please, contact us via e-mail: birduinokyrgyzstan@gmail.com

or by phone: +996312317671, +996551089099



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Public Association “Human Rights Movement:
“Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan” is asking you to provide sponsorship and support in the form of a material donation!


Feedback from our focus groups



Experience should be attached to a law degree

Shakhboz Latipov, 24 y.o., young lawyer: “When I came to BDK for an internship, I had no experience in legal and human rights activities. Together with experienced senior colleagues, I began to attend trials, studied documents. Gradually my supervisor Khusanbai Saliev began to trust me the preparation of documents, carefully checked them and gave practical advice. Experience comes with time and cases you work on. Every day dozens of people who need help come to us, many of them are from socially vulnerable groups: the poor, large families, elderly citizens. A lawyer in a human rights organization sometimes acts as a psychologist, it is important for him to be able to maintain professionalism and show empathy. At the end of 2019, I successfully passed the exam to get the right to start working as attorney and now I work on cases as an attorney. I turn to my colleagues for help on complex issues, they always give me their advice. This is one of the strengths of the organization: there is support and understanding here.”



Organization unites regions

Feruza Amadalieva, social worker, leader, teacher: “TOT from BDK is a great opportunity to get acquainted with participants from different regions, we continue to communicate on social media and when we meet at events, as close friends, we have such warm relations! At the events, I improved my knowledge, systematized it, clarified how to apply it in practice. I really like the training modules and the way the system of training and practice is built: role-playing games, theory, discussions. Each person expresses himself/herself. I have become a leader for other vulnerable women, I try to help them and engage them in such events.” Feruza Amadalieva is a regular participant of many BDK events, she invites the BDK lawyers to provide legal advice to vulnerable women.



I became confident

In summer of 2019, Nuriza Talantbek kyzy took an active part in conducting regional screenings of documentaries, helped with organizational issues during the campaign dedicated to the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, participated in trips, and did the TOT on women's leadership. She used to be a migrant, worked for an NGO in Osh, and now works in Bishkek in the service industry. She calls her participation in the TOT “an invaluable experience”: “I first attended such an event, and received exactly the information that I needed, for which I am sincerely grateful to the facilitators. I experienced very difficult issues in my life, and thanks to that knowledge, I was able to overcome them, I persevered! After the TOT, I became more confident, began to better understand the essence of human rights, and learned to defend my interests.”



The defendant has passed away. The work on his rehabilitation continues.

The case of Shukurullo Kochkarov shows that work on complex cases continues for many years. After the torture he was subjected to in 2010, he became disabled. We managed to get acquittal on one of the charges; the work is ongoing on achieving his rehabilitation and recognition as a victim of torture in order for compensation to be paid. Trials continue without Shukurullo Kochkarov - he died on 2 August 2019. His interests are represented by his father, Saidaziz Kochkarov, who also has a visual disability. “For many years, we have been supported by the employees of BDK, they have been handling the case of my son, they brought him to court because he couldn’t walk on his own, they constantly help our family: my wife and I underwent rehabilitation, they have helped my son by providing him with medicines, they provide all kinds of help”.



Comprehensive support for victims of torture

Resident of the Kara-Suu district, Dilyor Jumabaev, has extensive experience in dealing with law enforcement agencies. In 2010, he was accused of possessing firearms, and thanks to the work of lawyers, he was acquitted. Two years later, his house was first searched in order to find materials of an extremist nature, but nothing was found. In 2014, he was accused of possessing extremist materials. In court, the prosecutor requested 15 years in prison; the court sentenced him to 6 years. A few years later he was released on parole. “I am grateful to the lawyers of BDK for their expert legal assistance. I participated in a rehabilitation program for victims of torture. When I encounter violations, I recommend contacting this organization.”


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