Press Release The importance of regional partnership so that risks do not become disasters in the Central Asian region.

The Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan”, Public Foundation “Nash Vek”, Public Association “Ensan Diamond”, within the framework of the “View from the Frontline” program, carried out jointly with the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) are following the situation with the breakthrough of the dam on the Sardobinsky reservoir of Uzbekistan and the situation in Isfana, Leilek, Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic due to sudden mudflows in this area and their consequences.
As a result of the incident on May 1, 2020, about 70 thousand people were evacuated from 22 settlements in Sardobinsky, Akaltynsky and Mirzaabad districts, 56 people were hospitalized with various injuries, 2 children 9 and 14 years old have died, much damage was done to communication networks and agricultural areas.
Water from the Sardobinsky reservoir in Uzbekistan reached the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan. An emergency regime was introduced in the region, an operational headquarters was created to overcome the existing environmental risks and threats, and mass evacuation of residents of the village of Zhenis, where about 1900 people live, began. Flood threatens the village of Zhana Turmys and the rural district of Nurly Zhol. To date, the flow of water has been pacified, the breakthrough site is being strengthened. All the forces of the Ministry of Emergencies have been thrown to assist residents. The epidemiological situation complicates the task - a new outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak should not be allowed on the spot.
In the Leilek district of Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic, on the evening of May 2, after a long rainfall, the mudflows fell. As a result, Kara-Bulak and Toguz-Bulak villages, as well as the city of Isfana, were affected.
The identified environmental issues are widely disclosed in the open Consolidated Disaster Risk Assessment Summary Report for Central Asia and the Caucasus (
“Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan” appeals and recommends that the governments of Central Asian countries renew their joint efforts to analyze risks and threats so that they do not become disasters, strengthen cooperation in the region to engage the expert community, key ministries, CSO leaders to prepare a Disaster Prevention and Prevention Action Plan and disasters, quick alert citizens to ensure public safety and effective mutual assistance in crisis situations.
Contacts: Coordinator of the Human Rights Movement “ VFL-Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan”: Murat Karypov, Tel.: 0555422222, E-mail:
VFL Program Coordinator: Shivangi Chavda. Tel: +91 987 109 7212 | Skype: Shivangichavda @ GNDR |